san pablo seminary

vivere Christus est,
et mori lucrum”

SAINT PAUL of tarsus

“There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”

St. Ignatius of loyola

“Let us work as if success depends on us alone, but with the heartfelt convictions that we are doing nothing and God everything.”


“I have started houses with no more than the price of a loaf of bread and prayers, for with Him who comforts me, I can do anything.”


“You must either conquer the world or the world will conquer you. You must be either master or slave.”



San Pablo Seminary was established by the hierarchy of Northern Luzon on June 21, 1976, when they decided to separate the college seminary from Immaculate Conception Major Seminary (now Immaculate Conception School of Theology) of Vigan, Ilocos Sur, founded in 1822. On November 8, 1976, San Pablo Major Seminary was incorporated as a non-profit, non-stock religious’ organization. On June 13, 1978, it was given the Philippine Government Recognition No. 107 s. 1978 to grant a four-year level Liberal Arts Course, majoring in Philosophy and leading to the Civil Degree of Bachelor of Arts (A.B.). On June 3, 2021, the Commission on Higher Education – Cordillera administrative Region granted San Pablo Seminary a Trimester Program “interposing no objections” Seminarians who are eligible for the new program will receive a Bachelor of Arts majors in Philosophy and Values Education.


San Pablo Seminary is a house of formation and a scholastic institution for college students aspiring for the diocesan priesthood. It aims to nurture and nourish the seed of vocation of seminarians from the minor, pre-college and orientation seminaries of Northern Luzon. As a seminary, it is guided by the Norms of Vatican II and the Philippines adaptation of “Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis.” As such, it offers a formation envisioned to help seminarians become deeply spiritual, fully human, intellectually competent, socially and psychologically integrated persons. As a scholastic institution, it offers a three-year course approved by the Commission on Higher Education and grants a Civil Degree of Bachelor of Arts (A.B.), majors in Philosophy and Values Education.



This institution follows a curriculum in accordance with the guidelines of the Government’s Commission on Higher Education, Cordillera Administrative Region. At present, San Pablo Seminary is following the 2018 Revised Curriculum of Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy. However, San Pablo Seminary will be following the revised 2021 revised curriculum.


Since its foundation as a college seminary, the administration and faculty, following the ecclesiastical and civil norms, are made up of priests from different dioceses of Northern Luzon and Lay Persons. Recently, a change in the administration took place when the same seminary was transferred back to the Diocese of Baguio as a diocesan seminary in 2018. However, seminarians from Northern Luzon and elsewhere are welcomed insofar as their respective ordinary sends them for the formation in San Pablo Seminary. Almost all of the professors and instructors have a master’s degree in the subject they handle. Half of the philosophy professors have a doctorate degree in philosophy. The administration of this institution is proud to have a competent, dedicated ad effective faculty members, staff, and personnel.

“Take the leap of faith and discover your calling at San Pablo Seminary.”

“Your journey towards a meaningful future starts here.”


A community of disciples advancing in fraternal love and wisdom, docile to the promptings of the spirit, discerning together our calling, and the demands of discipleship.


Responding to the Lord’s mandate, we prepare ourselves to become servant-leaders among God’s people, by diligent studies, discipline out of conviction, and growing in the love that nurtures vocation, between those who form and those who are formed.